Getting involved

The multiple activities that V-THEO intends to develop in an effort to achieve the key goals of enhancing and analyzing religious pluralism and theology of the otherness across the globe require significant resources. Those who share V-THEO’s commitment have a number of avenues to support our endeavors, through financial contributions and intellectual engagement.

These Are Several Ways To Get Involved With V-THEO:


> Make a donation. Donors can support the work of V-THEO both with general support and project-specific donations. For more info, please contact

To donate in Europe:

To donate in the US:


> Submit an article. We accept article pitches (stories/analyses) on topics related to Religious Pluralism, Interfaith Dialogue, Minorities, Evolution of Dialogue and Tolerance. Our typical contributors are journalists or researchers. Articles on Reset DOC are typically 1,500 to 1,800 words long. They can be proposed by contacting


Attend an event. We regularly organize high-level international events, in Europe, the US and the Mediterranean. Conferences, Seminars, Book Presentations: learn more about our events


> Subscribe to our newsletter


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